Kanji to kanji with furigana converter

This program adds furigana automatically to all the kanji of a Japanese text. You can use it to read texts with kanji you don't know yet and learn them.

残酷な天使のテーゼ ➡️ 残酷ざんこく天使てんしテーゼてーぜ

Japanese text with Kanji

The results will be displayed here.

What is Furigana?

Furigana is the name given to the letters that are placed on top of kanji to indicate their reading, in order to serve as a phonetic guide, as in the following cases:

  • The word is uncommon. 懸念けねん, 辟易へきえき
  • Certain characters are given an unusual reading. 宇宙そら, 地球ほし
  • For texts intended for children.
  • For texts intended for foreigners learning Japanese.
  • As an aid in reference books such as dictionaries or encyclopedias.